Ok yani. Thanks for informing. And good luck in the future. I must say u have been more than helpful through out these years n sorry I could not take the direction of the team n company further. 

Where ever u go I'm sure u will be a great asset! 

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On 13 Feb, 2013, at 2:48 PM, hariyani zuhairi <hariyanizuhairi@yahoo.com> wrote:


saya terpaksa beritahu awal..Ms Ang masih tak tau sebab die pergi Oversea. Mr Tan juga masih tidak tahu. I bgtau awal maybe u boleh arrange untuk ambil pekerja baru.

saya attach sekali surat peletakan jawatan saya.

Terima Kasih.

Hariyani Husain
Account Department
Banting Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd
TEL:0331871478 FAKS:033187889

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